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Reconciling East & West,HeaD & Heart, Us & Them

As well as coaching I work with teams and groups across Europe and the Middle East from the European Commission, Brussels; Wealth Management Businesses; Middle East Peace Initiatives to restaurants, families and workshop groups.


I am a supervising teacher for the Hoffman Process, run an Advanced Psychosocial Teacher Training programme in Lebanon and deliver the Healing the Wounds of History programme.


Since qualifying as a Hoffman teacher in 2008, I have taught over 100, eight-day courses in the UK, Ireland and Canada. I have a variety of professional trainings in Systemic Constellation work and my on-going professional development includes: foundation training in NLP; on-site trauma and psychological first aid training and David Richo Relationship work. Upcoming training includes Advanced NLP Generative Coaching.


I receive supervision with Sabine Young MA and am part of a professional peer support group. I have up to date professional indemnity insurance cover as a personal development trainer, facilitator and coach.


My interests include painting, stone-carving, playing music and eating out. I attended art schools in Winchester and Hornsey, London after which I developed a career in organic food and wine resulting in over 20 years at MD level.


I am a father of three and have three grandchildren.




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